Determining If You Can Retire Early

June 6, 2024

The average age for retirement globally ranges between 60 and 67. Here at home, it’s 65. But what if you don’t want to wait? Can you fund an early retirement? These questions require some heavy lifting to answer but let’s dive in and at least start considering the possibility.
Time to leave God’s Waiting Room?

March 8, 2023

Florida is often described, uncharitably, as God’s waiting room – a warm no man’s land where seniors go to wile away their remaining years. The view is that these folk, happily retired, do very little other than sit in a rocking chair and swing the occasional golf club. But conventional retirement, including this snowbird stereotype, is increasingly out of step with modern living.
Moving Your Employer Pension Between Jobs

October 11, 2021

As the pandemic slowly recedes, work-life balance trends emerge. A recent Angus Reid survey revealed that 19% of Canadians would quit or look for a new job if required to return to the office. 25% of survey participants stated they would look for new employment after returning to office.
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